Five Tips to Help You Find the Dress of Your Dreams | Guest Blog Post by Jenn Moffett, Wedding Gown Specialist in Warren, Ohio

So here we are, wrapping up a week full of great content and helpful tips from some of Youngstown's own wedding professionals. I'm so thankful for all of you who have been tuning in and especially thankful for my friends in the industry who took the time to share a small bit of their expertise on my blog! I'm sad that the week is coming to an end, but today, I'm beyond thrilled to introduce ya'll to my girl, Jenn.  We have been friends for YEARS, and I'm sure some of you who've followed me for a while recognize her beautiful face!  We shoot together every now and then and let me just say, she's seriously a perfect model.  I mean, she's obviously gorgeous. But she's also down for whatever crazy ideas I have and just rolls with it like it ain't no thang (loooove her).  Once she started in the wedding industry, I was jumping with joy because she is a perfect fit for working with brides, giving them a great experience and helping them navigate their way through tons of tulle, lace, bling and veils to finally find the wedding gown of their dreams! 

From Jenn:

Hi bloggers!  My name is Jenn and I am your wedding gown specialist extraordinaire!  I work as a wedding gown stylist at a bridal shop and I absolutely love what I do!  Picking out your wedding gown is very exciting for both you and I!  Each bride is different and unique in their own way and I love listening to what you do and don't like to help you pick the perfect dress.  To help you get the most out of your gown shopping experience, here are some tips for choosing the dress of your dreams!

1.  Have inspiration dresses picked out but remain open-minded.

Have some ideas in mind of the type of silhouette you want to wear and what kind of embellishments and materials you'd like (pictures are helpful, too!).  Also keep in mind that we as stylists know what kind of dress is not only going to fit your body well but also what styles are more flattering to your individual body type.  It is our job to look at a dress on a hanger and know what it's going to look like on your body.  You'd truly be surprised at how different a dress looks on the hanger versus on your body!


2.  Don't forget your undergarments!

Please remember to wear underwear on the day you try on - and not just any underwear but nude or white colored underwear so you're not worrying about that leopard print or bright red showing through your white gown ;]  Some bridal shops will provide a slip for you if you're going to try on.  If you're planning on wearing any kind of shapewear, it's a great idea to bring it with you to your appointment so you can really get the full look of the dress and won't have to worry about any of the imperfections you might think that you have (but I assure you, you don't!).

3.  Be able to vocalize what you do and don't like about each gown.

This is so important for us stylists!  Don't be afraid to tell us what you really think of a dress when you see it on for the first time.  It won't hurt my feelings if you think a dress is ugly!  But PLEASE be specific when describing what you don't like about a dress.  If you don't like the cut of the dress, I will know not to pull any more dresses with that same cut.  If you absolutely adore the buttons on the back, I will pull every other dress shape I have with buttons on the back!  It helps make the process easier for you AND your stylist.


4.  Listen to others opinions but remember it is YOUR day.

You will most likely bring at least one person with you when you try on dresses.  Let's be real - this is an experience you want to share with so many people so have fun with it!  However, too many people can make you overthink things and give you too many opinions about what your dress should and shouldn't look like.  Remember that this is YOUR wedding day and not theirs.  So don't let them tell you what to get - you pick that dress for you honey!

5.  Be prepared to buy!

Whether you're coming in for your first or fifth time to try on, always be prepared to purchase your dress.  Know what your budget is and how much you want to spend.  I will never have you try on a dress that is more than your price point and most certainly won't force you to buy it!  What I will do is find something within your price range and perfect for YOU.  And once we find that dress of your dreams, be ready to order and pay for it.  This includes the bridesmaid dresses too! These gowns should be ordered AT LEAST six months in advance.  Keep in mind, some bridal shops or dresses may take longer, so make sure you ask your stylist what the recommended ordering timeframe is so you will guarantee to have your dress well before your wedding day.  If you need alterations of any kind, make sure you give yourself more time, too.  You don't want that perfect dress to get away because you waited too long to buy it!


These are all great things to keep in mind when making your appointment to try on wedding gowns.  Above all else, remember to have fun!  Any given part of wedding planning can be stressful, but as long as you prepare for your consultation, finding your perfect wedding gown should be a breeze and way more fun than it is stressful! :]