Posts tagged dress shopping
Five Tips to Help You Find the Dress of Your Dreams | Guest Blog Post by Jenn Moffett, Wedding Gown Specialist in Warren, Ohio

So here we are, wrapping up a week full of great content and helpful tips from some of Youngstown's own wedding professionals. I'm so thankful for all of you who have been tuning in and especially thankful for my friends in the industry who took the time to share a small bit of their expertise on my blog! I'm sad that the week is coming to an end, but today, I'm beyond thrilled to introduce ya'll to my girl, Jenn.  We have been friends for YEARS, and I'm sure some of you who've followed me for a while recognize her beautiful face!  We shoot together every now and then and let me just say, she's seriously a perfect model.  I mean, she's obviously gorgeous. But she's also down for whatever crazy ideas I have and just rolls with it like it ain't no thang (loooove her).  Once she started in the wedding industry, I was jumping with joy because she is a perfect fit for working with brides, giving them a great experience and helping them navigate their way through tons of tulle, lace, bling and veils to finally find the wedding gown of their dreams!...

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