Posts tagged ohio
DIY DOG Halloween Costume Photoshoot in Youngstown, Ohio

It's no shocker that I like to take photos of my dogs... ALL THE TIME. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you see their faces quite frequently in my feed and Insta story. Every year it's becoming a tradition to dress them up for Halloween and Christmas. It might be because I love the holidays, or because busy season is slowing down and I need to find a way to spend my time, but it's always a big deal in the Kopachy house...

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Styled Shoot with The Garment Theory in Downtown Youngstown, Ohio

When it comes to style, Hillary and Andrea of The Garment Theory have it in spades. If you're in Youngstown, Ohio then I'm sure you have heard of them, unless you have been living under a rock :P In that case, Hillary and Andrea are local fashion bloggers and large advocates of supporting local businesses. If you scroll through their blog or their Instagram feed, you'll see that they throw together killer outfits from stores in the area. They're also stellar at finding the best deals on clothes, shoes, jewelry and all those great items that make up the perfect outfit. I'm always so impressed on the different looks they come up with and attention to details they have, not to mention how affordable their looks are. I just want them to be my personal shoppers ;] With all of that talent, I have to add that they are sweet and kind as can be!...

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Kaylynn & Matt's Fall Zoo Wedding at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo in Cleveland, Ohio

Fall weddings are probably my favorite.  From the sunflowers to the GORGEOUS colors Northeast Ohio brings us, I can't help but be excited!  Kaylynn and Matt's mid-November wedding brought us cooler weather and an early sunset, but the perfect of everything else made it worth it! I feel like Kaylynn and I talked about her wedding for-ev-er.  So when it was time to see everything come together and how much emotion came out from the bride, groom and guests, I absolutely could NOT have been more happy for Kaylynn and Matt. In my opinion, there's nothing more beautiful to see during a wedding day than seeing people beaming with happiness or crying happy tears!...

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