Posts tagged styled shoot
Woodland Inspired Spring Styled Shoot in Canfield, Ohio

This shoot came about towards the end of winter when I was incredibly over the cold and snow. I just wanted greenery, beautiful flowers and all the lovely colors that comes with spring. I was also desperate to create SOMETHING. I didn't know what that something was going to be, until the idea popped into my head that I needed to make a dress. Ya'll. I can't sew very well and constructing an article of clothing just isn't my forte. But I had a vision, so naturally I told my mother and enlisted her help in making this vision something tangible. If you don't know, my mother is kind of a crafty genius. She has been able to make nearly everything I've ever asked her to and I'm so grateful that we get to create artwork together!..

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Styled Shoot with The Garment Theory in Downtown Youngstown, Ohio

When it comes to style, Hillary and Andrea of The Garment Theory have it in spades. If you're in Youngstown, Ohio then I'm sure you have heard of them, unless you have been living under a rock :P In that case, Hillary and Andrea are local fashion bloggers and large advocates of supporting local businesses. If you scroll through their blog or their Instagram feed, you'll see that they throw together killer outfits from stores in the area. They're also stellar at finding the best deals on clothes, shoes, jewelry and all those great items that make up the perfect outfit. I'm always so impressed on the different looks they come up with and attention to details they have, not to mention how affordable their looks are. I just want them to be my personal shoppers ;] With all of that talent, I have to add that they are sweet and kind as can be!...

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Classy, Romantic, Summer Styled Wedding Shoot at the Mooreland Mansion in Cleveland, Ohio

Sometimes I'm really bad at blogging sessions that I shoot for fun or at workshops. This blog is about one of them :P Last August, I attended the Illuminate Gathering workshop at the drop dead gorgeous Mooreland Mansion in Lakeland, Ohio, on the outskirts of Cleveland. I used to shoot a LOT of film in my college days, but unfortunately don't shoot it now as often as I'd like. This workshop too me back to my film days, as there was a strong focus on film. There were so many photographers that incorporate shooting film into their photography business and it was so inspiring to be around that type of energy and attention to detail and technique. I also met so many wonderful people during the workshop and was introduced to some wonderful wedding vendors the Cleveland area has to offer. Ironically, I also got to work closely with a few of my Youngstown photographer friends since quite a few of us attended the workshop - which made me so happy! Here are some of my favorite shots from the day...

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