Posts tagged wedding videographer
Why People Choose to Have Small, Intimate Weddings: Embracing Quality Over Quantity

In a world where bigger often seems better, there's a heartwarming trend that's taking the wedding scene by storm: small, intimate weddings. Think cozy gatherings, genuine smiles, and heartfelt connections that make your heart skip a beat. It's like the difference between a blockbuster movie and a cherished indie film - both have their allure, but there's something undeniably magical about the intimate ones….

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Top Five Reasons to Book a Wedding Videographer | Guest Post by Emily Rusu of Jet Weddings from Youngstown, Ohio

Today on the blog is Emily Rusu of Jet Weddings.  She is one half of a husband and wife team that shoots weddings here in Youngstown, Ohio.  I actually met Emily YEARS ago in college, so our collaborating days go waaaaay back.  We were both a part of an internship at Youngstown State University to redesign and add new content for the STEM website.  Years went by after we graduated where we hadn't seen each other and then we reconnected through our local Tuesday's Together chapter.  I love that we're in the same industry all these years later!  We get more chances to work together and I absolutely love it!  Her and Bill are so laid back, fun and seriously so easy to work with.  So I'm just so thrilled that Emily is sharing her knowledge on the blog today!!...

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